The Four Factors That Impact Our Views of Orbs
I have been posting below, reasons why I do not believe orbs are supernatural or paranormal. It is important at this point, to clarify four important factors that impact both my conclusion about orbs and yours as well. Each factor deserves to be discussed in more detail and I have done so in my new, soon to be released ebook, ORBS DEFINED AND DEFENDED. Following are the four factors. 1. WORLDVIEW: Everyone looks at the world around them through a set of metaphorical eye glasses that helps make sense of the world and their own place in the world. The reasons for the worldview chosen are numerous and explained further in my book. This could include a materialistic or naturalistic worldview, a supernatural or paranormal worldview, a scientific worldview, an emotional worldview, a biblical worldview or any number of others or a mix of all the above. Worldviews matter, when interpreting orbs. 2. FACTS: Basically asking and answering the following questions through research and orbservation about orbs. What, who, where, when, why, which, and how. 3.INTERPRETATION OF FACTS: The questions in number 2 above, results in specific facts or assumptions. Yet, although the facts may be clear and accurate, the interpretation of these same facts may not be as clear and therefore result in more then one explanation. As an example, orbs clearly exists (fact), but what are they (interpretation)? The more accurate research and orbservation, the closer to explaining true facts correctly and the less we come to inaccurate interpretations. 4. FIELDWORK: As already mentioned, there are a variety of opinions about the definition of orbs, but what are these opinions based upon? Second hand information, as in what someone else has said or written, or on your own personal orbservation and research in the field? Many opinions about orbs are founded on old, outdated and inaccurate information. How much time have you actually spent in research, out in the field, orbserving, filming and photographing orbs? My conclusions are grounded in my firsthand research and orbservation. Explore my videos below. #orb #orbs (Orbs Defined and Defended) (Orbs and Other Creatures of The Night) (Shadow cast Upon Orb) (Orb Documentary) (The Irrelevance of The Orb Zone Theory)
Reason #8: I have provided Seven convincing reasons I believe orbs are not supernatural or paranormal, but very natural and normal. They are:
1. Just because orbs react, that does not make the supernatural or paranormal.
2. Just because orbs appear at certain locations, such as graveyards, do not make then supernatural or paranormal.
3. Just because orbs seem to move through windows or other solid objects does not make them supernatural or paranormal.
4. Just because orbs evoke certain feelings, does not make them supernatural or paranormal.
5. Just because images of faces, or other markings seem to appear in or on orbs, does not make them supernatural or paranormal.
6. Just because the entire paranormal community believes orbs are supernatural or paranormal, that does not make it true.
7. Just because some use or misuse the bible to support orbs as being supernatural or paranormal, this does not make it true.
Reason number 8 is as follows: Just because orbs are perplexing, mysterious, unfamiliar, and strange, that does not make them supernatural or paranormal spirits or ghosts. I have caught orbs on film, casting shadows and having shadows cast upon them, as provided below in my videos. I believe therefore, this supports orbs as being natural and normal, biological and material in nature and not supernatural or paranormal. There is no evidence that ghost or spirits cast shadows or can have shadows cast upon them, therefore orbs cannot be ghosts or spirits. (orb casting shadow on fence) (Magnolia leaves cast shadow on orb)
My unique definition is: I believe orbs are created spherical creatures of various colors and sizes, with unique characteristics and abilities, that move through the sky under their own power with purpose and intention, interacting with the world around them. I believe they are natural and normal, rather than supernatural or paranormal. I believe they are biological in nature and can be caught. I believe they are their own creature and not another out of focus. I believe they can be caught and studied under a microscope. #orbs #orb
Reason #7:
If you have been following, you know I have already provided below, six compelling reasons why I believe orbs are not supernatural or paranormal. The seventh is: Just because some misuse and abuse the bible in attempting to support their view that orbs are supernatural or paranormal does not make it true. The bible does not speak of orbs. The following explanation of reason number seven is a bit more extensive and may not be for the faint of heart, but all of it is needed for clarity. I have some expertise in biblical theology as I have been an ordained minister for over 35 years and have a BA in Christian Education and a Masters of Divinity.
My Worldview is as follows: I believe in the supernatural and the paranormal, even of another dimension. Yet, because I am a Christian (a term filled with a lot of misunderstood baggage these days), I follow the teaching of the bible, and therefore, I have a biblical worldview and an understanding of the supernatural and paranormal as explained, defined and understood by the bible. Therefore, what the bible teaches, will provide guidance on how I should interpret the existence of orbs.
- What Does The Bible Specifically Tell Us About Orbs?
In order to answer this question accurately, it is essential to first identify what specifically we are referring to as “Bible” and as “Orbs”
- What Is The Bible: The 66 books that make up what is known as the Old and the New Testaments. 39 books are in the Old Testament and 27 books are in the New Testament.
Go to the following link for more information:
- What Are Orbs: Any meaning or identity given to orbs, from biblical passages, is only subjective speculation, conjecture and theory, referred to as eisegesis - that is, reading into or adding to, what is not in scripture, in order to give a meaning that is not present in scripture. Scripture does not address the topic of orbs.
- Orbs defined: I believe, as stated earlier, orbs are created spherical creatures (with some variations), of various sizes and colors, with unique characteristics and abilities, that move through the sky, under their own power, with purpose and intention, interacting with the world around them. Although, perplexing and unusual, I believe they are natural and normal, rather than supernatural or paranormal. I believe they are biological in nature and can be caught. I believe they are their own creature and not another creature out of focus. I believe they are most everywhere, all the time, under most all conditions.
- Unlike other perspectives on orbs, there seems to be more dismissiveness, on the one hand and more hostility on the other hand, for the biblical perspective. Yet, this is my unapologetic perspective and I have provided some basic bullets of what this means and what the bible teaches below:
1. Everything in existence, has been created by the Triune God of the Bible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who has always existed and is the un-created, creator.
2. God is not creation and creation is not God.
3. God sustains creation and is separate from creation.
4. All creation is subservient and accountable to God.
5. God interacts with creation continually.
6. Only God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is to be worshiped.
7. The teaching of the bible explains the truth about God and our relationship to God, through Jesus Christ, and the complete plan of redemption.
8. Therefore, I believe orbs are a creation of God, not God, not to be worshiped or prayed to as God. God is totally and completely sovereign. (Orbs are not) Psalm 139:7-16
This means:
- Nothing in all creation is more powerful than God, including orbs. Romans 8:37-39
- Nothing in all creation can avoid being accountable to God, including orbs.
- Nothing in all creation falls outside the power, control and will, of God, including orbs.
9. Everything that exists has been created by God. (Including orbs)
Genesis 1:1; John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17
This means:
- Orbs are created by God.
- Orbs did not create themselves.
- Orbs are not God or gods, there is only one God.
- Orbs are not omnipotent.
- Orbs are not omniscient.
- Orbs are not omnipresent.
10. God has given everything a reason for existence and an identity, including orbs. Acts 17:28
This means:
- Although everything (including orbs) has a reason for existence and an identity, that does not mean we will always know the reason for its existence or its identity.
- Unless there is verifiable, objective revelation about the reason orbs exists, or about their identity, everything is purely subjective speculation, conjecture and theory and should be acknowledged as such.
11. Examples of subjective speculation, conjecture and theory.
- Orbs are angels.
- Orbs are demons.
- Orbs are ghosts.
- Orbs are souls.
- Orbs are aliens.
- Orbs are from another dimension.
- Orbs are dust specks, water droplets, spots on camera lenses, etc.
- Or any other orb explanation.
12. Orbs are not perfect creatures and have been impacted by sin just as all the rest of creation.
This means:
- None of creation is exempt from the effects of sin, including orbs. Romans 8:19-22
- Orbs are not to be worshipped. Romans 1:18-25
13. What does the bible teach about the state of people who have died? (Some believe orbs are the spirits of dead people).
- People are born, they live, and they die.
- People go to a specific place when they die, from which they cannot leave or return. (Luke 16:19-31)
- Dead people do not communicate with the living.
- The living cannot communicate with and are not to attempt to communicate with the dead.
(Leviticus 19:31/Isaiah 8:19/1 Timothy 2:5))
14. What does the bible teach about angels? (Some believe orbs are angels).
(Hebrews 1:14/Isaiah 6:2-6)
- Angels are not the spirits of dead people.
- Angels are messengers of God.
- Angels do what God desires.
- Angels can communicate with the living.
- Angels can be seen by the living and take on a physical form.
- Angels are not omnipresent or omnipotent or omniscient, they are local.
- Angels are not to be worshiped.
15. What does the bible teach about the devil and demons? (some believe orbs are demons or the devil). (2 Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 12:22-30/43-45/8:16,28, 29,31; Revelation 12:7-9)
- Demons are not the spirits of dead people.
- Demons are fallen angels and are under the command of Satan and accountable to God.
- Demons do what Satan wants.
- Demons can communicate with the living.
- Demons can be seen by the living and take control of a physical form.
- Demons are not omnipresent or omnipotent or omniscient, they are local.
- Demons are not to be worshiped.
16. What does the bible teach about spirits and ghosts? (Some believe orbs are good and or bad spirits or ghosts).
- There is a supernatural world in addition to our physical world.
- Spirits and ghosts are the same according to the Bible etymologically.
- God is the ultimate Holy Spirit.
- Humans have both a body and a spirit or soul.
- Angels are spirits.
- Demons are spirits.
- Anthropormorphisms is when a spirit takes on a body. Angels and demons can do this.
17. What does the bible teach about alien life? (some believe orbs are aliens from other worlds).
- The bible mentions and teaches about other life forms in addition to our physical human body.
- These are God, angels, demons, principalities and powers.
- The bible does not specifically mention living creatures, of whatever form, inhabiting other worlds or planets in our physical universe.
18. Science is an uncovering of God's truth.
19. What does the bible specifically teach about orbs?
- The bible does not specifically mention “orbs”.
- Yet, the above information teaches a great deal about how we are to interpret orbs, from biblical perspective.
For more information on the true meaning of what the bible teaches about being a Christian, click on the following link:
- The mere existence of orbs, or any other unfamiliar, unexplained or perplexing creature, should never be reason for concern or need to fear, for it is only a revelation of truth. All truth comes from God and belongs to God. John 14:6
Two Specific Biblical Passages
As just explained above, I believe in the supernatural and I follow the bible and also I believe orbs are real creatures in their own right, I think it is important therefore to address a misinterpretation some may have about what the bible may teach about orbs. Specifically, I want to look at two verses. One verse offers a negative view of orbs and the other a positive.
First, The Negative Perspective Of Orbs:
Ephesians 2:1-2, reads as follows: "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live, when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who were disobedient." NIV
Without my going into a full exegesis of the meaning of this verse in context, I want to note that some might interpret "orbs" as being the vehicles, or beings through which Satan, or the Devil, who is referred to in this passage, as the ruler of the kingdom of the air, is able to rule the air.
Because, orbs seem to be most everywhere, most of the time, in all most all conditions, and in most every situation, therefore, the orbs, are actually the army of demons, who scout the air, as Satan's spiritual servants, looking for ways to negatively impact humans, so they will follow Satan, rather than God. That is certainly the mission of demons, but orbs are not demons. I have not seen, nor felt any evidence, whatsoever, that this is the case and do not believe orbs are demons, doing the work of Satan.
But, if they are, that would have great implications for us, which would be of serious importance, deserving our full attention. Orbs would then need to be understood as having harmful intentions, therefore, not to be befriended, not sought after, certainly not prayed to or worshiped. To follow orbs as something to be desired, would be to follow Satan and be as those dead in their sins. They, therefore, would be best left alone, ignored and even prayed against, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the Christian.
Second, The Positive Perspective Of Orbs:
Hebrews 12:1-2, reads, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Again, without doing full blown exegesis of this passage, some might believe "orbs", are the great cloud of witnesses, being referred to in the above verse.
As stated above, orbs seem to be everywhere, therefore, some might believe, orbs must be the great cloud of witnesses, (either angels or humans who have died, or both), who are being allowed by God, to watch us, all the moments of every day of our lives. If this were true, this too, has great implications for us.
The rest of the passage, says, this should have a great impact on how we live our lives, every moment of every day. Basically, as we think about the heroes of faith from the past, knowing they are watching us, we should avoid sinning, live in a way that is pleasing to God in our thoughts, words and deeds, as we look, with hope, to Jesus Christ, because of who he is and what he has done in providing gracious salvation through the plan of redemption.
Even though, as already stated, I emphatically and strongly do not believe orbs are demons and I emphatically and strongly do not believe orbs are the great cloud of witnesses, if anyone does take either of these two positions, which you should not, then it means they have to take a serious look at how they will respond to the implications of each. Either orbs will entice you to follow Satan or encourage you to follow God. Regardless of what you believe about orbs, this option is still before you. How will you respond? #orbs #orb (The Bible and Orbs)
Reason #6:
I have been providing reasons why I believe orbs are not supernatural or paranormal. Five solid and convincing reasons have already been provided on my page below. The sixth reason is as follows: Just because the entire paranormal community agrees that orbs are paranormal or supernatural, that does not make it so. The true definition, meaning, substance and nature of orbs does not belong to the paranormal community, although that seems to be the going assumption. Orbs are what they are, independent of anyone's or any groups opinion, especially so called paranormal individuals and groups. The default response, by most everyone, is to jump to a supernatural or paranormal explanation anytime orbs are encountered, especially for the first time. The reason this is the response, is because something unusual, unknown, perplexing and mysterious is being encountered and the only explanations found, when searched after, is offered by the paranormal community. Without critical thinking, it is assumed therefore this must be the only explanation and it must be correct. It is also true some go to the other extreme and totally dismiss orbs as only inanimate particles. Therefore, there are two basic ways orbs are viewed, either as supernatural and paranormal entities or as inanimate dust particles. The problem is, both views seem to be ignorant of the third view, the view I hold. Orbs are not inanimate dust particles and orbs are not paranormal or supernatural, they are their own natural and normal living creature in their own right and not another creature out of focus or a camera anomaly such as bokeh. Although, most in each worldview believe they have come to their conclusion about orbs due to critical research and investigation, the real underlying factor for why there are the different opinions about orbs, has to do with individual "worldviews". The three are: 1. Orbs must be inanimate particles because the supernatural and paranormal do not exist.(Materialist/naturalist worldview). 2. Orbs have to be supernatural and paranormal because my supernatural and paranormal worldview demands it. (Paranormal worldview) 3. There is a supernatural and a paranormal aspect to our existence and there are inanimate material particles, orbs are neither. (My worldview - Christian). Just because the paranormal community seems to claim ownership of the true meaning of orbs, they do not. I have attached a video of many of the orbs I have captured, doing whatever it is orbs do. Nothing about it would lead me or I believe any other thinking individual to believe these are supernatural or paranormal entities. #orb #orbs (Orbs Being Orbs)
Reason #5:
My contention is that orbs are not supernatural or paranormal. I have been providing reasons why I believe this is the case. I have provided four reasons, which you can find scrolling down below. The fifth reason is this: Just because face images and other markings such as numbers, seem to appear in or on orbs, this does not make them supernatural or paranormal. Face images do indeed seem to appear in or on orbs. As I have provided in the video below, I have caught orbs with face images. If face images were only seen on orbs and no other objects, then some weight could be given to the claim that the faces in or on orbs are not just images, but something more. Something living in or on orbs. Yet, face images are found on just about anything you can imagine. I got into a habit of looking for face silhouettes in the sweat dripping onto the wooden floor of the sauna. They were easy to spot. Faces are found in marble tiles and counter tops, in the clouds, in water and in the dirt. Just do a simple search on the internet for faces in or on things and the point becomes very clear. Face images are everywhere and on everything. Anyone who claims that the face images on the orbs they have captured on film are more than common face images as seen on numerous other non-orb objects, needs to allow serious independent critical examination to be done as to how they have come to that conclusion and the process they have followed to reach that end. If these are actual faces of living beings, allowing the independent critiques should be welcomed, so as to validate the incredible find. If these faces could be captured on video actually moving their facial features and speaking, as well as being heard, then their might be some reason to take such claims seriously. There is nothing remarkable or amazing about seeing face images on or in orbs. Just because face images are seen on or in orbs, that does not mean they are supernatural or paranormal. Yet, I do believe orbs are their own unique living creature, not dust or other particles. Neither are they other creatures out of focus. They are their own creature in and of themselves.Take a look at my short video of a few orbs I have caught with face images. #orb #orbs (The Top Four Orb Faces)
Reason #4:
I have already pointed out three reasons why I do not believe orbs are supernatural or paranormal. You can read those down below. 1. Just because orbs react... 2. Just because orbs appear at certain locations...3. Just because orbs move through solid objects...Reason number four is as follows: Just because you may have very strong emotions or feelings when you see an orb or are near an orb, that does not mean they are supernatural or paranormal. Having an emotional reaction to orbs, may indeed be a very real experience, but it is subjective and says nothing about the true nature and meaning of orbs. Just because you feel, happy, sad, mad, glad or afraid, when you see an orb, or are near an orb, does not mean they are therefore supernatural or paranormal. This is projecting your own emotions and ideas onto the orb, to make it what you think or feel it has to be. An orb, is what it is, apart from what you may want or believe it to be. There is an objective truth about orbs, that must be acknowledged and respected as revealed. I understand this is enough for some people. That is, it is not important to unravel the mystery of orbs through detailed examination and to be able to explain with clarity precisely what their true substance is and how they function. Simply encountering them and basking in the feelings they evoke is all that is wanted. Yet, acknowledging projection is not an easy task, because there is so much at stake and invested in the meaning of orbs. If orbs are not supernatural or paranormal, then everything associated with that understanding, i.e. orbs being messages from the other side, visiting protecting beings, life from other worlds or dimensions, or self-importance as a medium, all go out the window and that is just too much. Worldviews shatter. True emotional reactions can be enjoyed and experienced without orbs having to be supernatural or paranormal. Orbs are not dust or other particles as some suggest. They are not camera anomalies. They are not other creatures out of focus. They are indeed their own unique and perplexing living creature in their own right. Yet, I believe they are not supernatural or paranormal.
In the video below, I provide ten of my top orb captures and none of them lead me to believe they are in anyway supernatural or paranormal. #orbs #orb (My Top Ten Orbs)
Reason #3:
As already stated, I do not believe orbs are supernatural or paranormal. I believe they are, although perplexing, their own unique natural and normal living creature, not dust particles. This is the third of several reasons I am posting to prove my point. You will find my first two reasons below. 1. Just because orbs respond, that does not make them supernatural or paranormal, most all creatures respond. 2. Just because orbs appear at certain locations, that does not make them supernatural or paranormal. They are most everywhere, all the time. My third point is, just because orbs appear to move through windows or possibly other solid objects, this does not make them supernatural or paranormal. Orbs are still very perplexing and mysterious. There is much we do not know about them, particularly their makeup or substance. No one has yet caught and studied an orb under a microscope, until this is done, we can only speculate as to their physical properties. What we do have, is an inkling, that orbs have properties related to light on some level. If this is true, it puts orbs in a category with other properties that can move through solid objects, such as windows and also display other interesting qualities. Light, heat, cold, odor, waves, sound, and supersolids, etc... can all move through solids, yet, this does not make them supernatural or paranormal. Although this point maybe be rather astounding, that a living creature could possibly move through a solid object, it is not without precedent. It is recorded in an ancient biblical manuscript that Jesus, in his resurrected physical and material body, not as a ghost or spirit, did this very thing. He passed through solid walls. Read John 20:19 & 26. This is not to compare orbs to Jesus, or to say are are resurrected creatures, because they are not. Although I believe they are material, they do not have physical properties in the way Jesus did or we do in our bodies, but it is simply to provide an example. Look into "supersolids" for some more possible examples of solids moving through solids and then make a search on what other properties can move through a solid and you will begin to see, the idea, of orb creatures moving through solids, is not so far fetched. Below are three very short video clips I caught of orbs seemingly disappearing, displaying what might be unique capabilities for creatures related to light. #orbs #orb (Orbs Pulsing and Disappearing) (Blinking Orbs) (Orb Disappears)
Reason #2:
My original question was: Why must orbs be interpreted as supernatural or paranormal? I do not believe they should or ought to be interpreted as supernatural or paranormal. I gave my first reason below in detail, which says, "Just because orbs respond, does not mean they must be supernatural or paranormal".
My second reason is as follows: Many believe orbs must be supernatural or paranormal, because they show up at cemeteries, death beds, haunted locations and others similar settings.
The fact is, orbs are most everywhere all the time. Therefore, it only makes sense that they would also be captured on film at such locations. I understand this is a very emotional point for many people because of their love for others who have died, but the presence of orbs, is not a supernatural or paranormal event.
Nothing needs to be done or has to happen for orbs to appear. Like I said, they seem to be always present. This does not mean, they may not be attracted by certain things, I believe they are, but orbs are already present.
Go outside, particularly at night, take some digital flash pictures or look through infrared night vision equipment and you will see orbs. (Visible and Invisible Orbs) (dark Orbs)
Orbs are everywhere most all the time. This does not make them supernatural or paranormal.
Reason #1:
Some believe orbs are only particles of dust, pollen spores, water droplets, or camera anomalies such as bokeh. Others believe they are only paranormal and supernatural beings and some even believe they are only time travelers, inter-dimensional or alien beings. I believe they are none of the above. I believe, although unique and mysterious, they are natural and normal creatures in their own right. You can find my definition in full in my videos. Although particles and bokeh certainly exist, anyone who has spent serious time researching orbs, knows they are much more than this, they are animate creatures. Therefore, my focus is not on that belief that they are particles. My focus is on those who believe orbs are paranormal or supernatural. My question to you who believe they are paranormal or supernatural is this, Why do orbs have to be interpreted as being supernatural or paranormal? I have several specific points responding to answers given to this question, by those who believe they are paranormal and supernatural. Over the next few weeks, I will be providing my responses, one point at a time. POINT NUMBER ONE: ORBS RESPOND TO ME, THEREFORE, THEY MUST BE PARANORMAL OR SUPERNATURAL.
It is true, orbs do indeed respond, but, so do other creatures and that does not make them paranormal or supernatural. Dogs, cats, birds, porpoises, and monkeys, etc., all respond and even respond to your specific requests. I have a bumble bee in my backyard, that I have almost trained to land on my finger. It flies around and responds to me, but that does not make it paranormal or supernatural. Having the ability to respond is a characteristic of almost all creatures, to a greater or lessor degree. Just because orbs respond, that does not mean they have to, or ought to be interpreted as being paranormal or supernatural. #orb #orbs (Bumble Bee)
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