In addition to the information I have been providing below about orbs being their own unique, natural and normal living creature, I would like to respond to another lazy objection to my belief about orbs. I call it lazy, because it is very easy and requires no effort of any kind to simply deny, dismiss or ignore the solid and convincing research I have provided. Research based upon my personal, firsthand, incredible number of hours, in the dark of the night, in all types of weather and in numerous settings, orbserving, filming and documenting orbs.
The ridiculous and lazy belief some have expressed, is "Orbs simply do not exist." This is a nonsencescial statement. It is very easy to capture an orb on film. Anyone can do it by simply stepping outside at night and taking a flash picture with a digital camera, or filming with infrared night vision video equipment.
The question is not, "Do orbs exist?", for they most certainly do. The real questions is, "What are they?" Even if orbs are only a camera anomaly, a particle of dust, an out of focus insect, or a rain droplet, the fact is, a circular spot is on the film and this spot is an orb. To say it does not exist, when it is clear and plain for all to see is idiotic.
The reason for my sites on Facebook and YouTube, my blog and my book, "Orbs Defined and Defended", is to address this question, "What are orbs?" I am answering this question with solid, reasonable, rational and quality research involving information, explanation, documentation, in both photographs and on video, unlike anything else available.
The following video I made, about the shape of obs, is one example and one piece of the evidential puzzle, I have provided, to add to the total and overwhelming material supporting my belief and definition about orbs.
My belief is orbs are created, mostly spherical creatures, of various colors and sizes, with unique characteristics and abilities, that move through the sky under their own power with purpose and intention, interacting with the world around them. They are natural and normal, rather than supernatural or paranormal. They are their own creature and not another creature out of focus. They are biological in nature and can be caught. #orb #orbs
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