This blog will clarify what I believe about
orbs and also address the objection or claim that orbs are only out of focus
particles or insects close to or on the camera lens.
Orbs are only out of focus particles or bugs very close to or on the
camera lens.
There are only two categories into which an
answer can fall. Orbs are inanimate (nonliving) or animate (living). In the
inanimate category the options are camera anomalies, computer graphics, various
types of dust particles, water droplets or advanced drones. In the animate
category the options are out of focus insects, human or animal spirits, angels,
demons, aliens, time travelers, interdimensional travelers, or uniquely normal
biological earthly creatures in their own right, which is the position I hold.
It must be noted that most assume, in error, the
paranormal community has the only rights to how orbs are to be defined, categorized
and understood, and there are no other possible rational interpretations. Therefore,
from the start when the word is mentioned, an orb is either understood to be a
camera anomaly or something paranormal or supernatural. I disagree with both positions wholeheartedly.
My research has led me to believe orbs are
created, mostly spherical creatures, of various colors and sizes, with unique
characteristics and abilities, that move through the sky under their own power
with purpose and intention, interacting with the world around them. I believe
they are natural and normal, rather than supernatural or paranormal. I believe
they are biological in nature and substance and are their own creature and not
another creature out of focus. I do not believe they are out of focus dust
particles close to or on the camera lens. Although a serious challenge, I
believe it is possible to capture and study an orb through a microscope under
scientific conditions.
Orbs are captured with all sorts of equipment,
all over this planet, under various conditions and most all locations, both in
daytime and nighttime, indoors and outdoors. They seem to be most everywhere
all the time. Anyone can capture them on film. Nothing needs to be done to
attract them, although they seem to be attracted by some things. They can be
seen with the naked eye, regular camera/video and especially in infrared night
Although, I agree there are out of focus
particles and insects close to or on the camera lens and the techniques using sound
principles of photography to prove the point are true, I also believe “true”
orbs are something altogether different and those studies are irrelevant to clarifying
the nature and meaning of “true” orbs and are only proving or ruling out what
orbs are not. All out of focus particles
appear as orbs, but not all orbs are out of focus particles close to or on the
camera lens. This link leads to a video I made that addresses this topic and is
titled “The Irrelevance of The Orb Zone Theory”.
It is the height of arrogance to believe all those the world over, using various types of equipment and who claim orbs are something other than out of focus particles on or close to the camera lens are simply uneducated and ignorant of the principles of photography or there is no evidence to be had to prove otherwise. (Photos of Orbs Moving Behind Objects).
My approach to addressing the above claim: How can I prove or what supporting documentation and evidence can I provide to backup my position that orbs are more than out of focus particles or insects close to or on the camera lens?
have done untold hours of field research to provide just such material. It is not that difficult to refute the above
claim as I will demonstrate. I will list in numeric fashion each point that
proves, on its own, why “true” orbs are not out of focus particles close to or
on the camera lens. I believe I have provided overwhelming support for my perspective
on orbs the proper direction to go to solve once and for all their true nature,
substance and meaning.
Note: It is unreasonable, irrational, and disingenuous
to simply ignore my video and photographic evidence simply because one deems it
low quality or unscientific, without giving the material the chance to be
critiqued on what it actually shows, and on its own merits. It is unfortunate, as my experience has shown,
those who seem to have the strongest opinion and most definitive critique have
done little or no actual field research themselves in filming orbs and simply
rely on others outdated and irrelevant information gathered on the internet. To
simply assert the videos do not show what they appear to show is at most a lazy
always ask that those who disagree with my video and photographic evidence to provide
video or photographic evidence that demonstrates any objections, they may have
and clarify their objection on film rather than provide a “just because I said
so”. As an example, I show a single orb
moving horizontal in the vertical pouring rain. When an objection is made
saying it is an out of focus insect or particle on or close to the camera lens,
I ask they provide a video showing their proof. Show a single insect appearing
the same size and distance from the camera lens, moving in and out of focus in the rain as it
moves from an orb into an insect. My videos and photos have met the burden of
proof. The burden of proof is theres.
points in response to the above claim: (I have many more videos of each point,
but for the sake of some semblance of brevity I have only provided these. The rest
of my videos are on my Facebook and YouTube sites). Orbservation
- The Orb Watchers Paradise | Facebook and Orbservations - Orb Education Video Library - YouTube
My Points:
1. 1. If an orb could
be captured on film moving behind an object clearly established as
being far from the camera lens, then the orb cannot be an out of focus particle
close to or on the camera lens. If an object is far from the camera lens and
the orb moves behind that object, the orb can be no closer to the camera lens
than the object it moves behind. Some say if there is bright illumination as
the orb moves behind the object that means the orb actually moved in front of
the object. Yet, although I show many such videos, I also show orbs moving
behind objects with no bright illumination therefore destroying the view that
no orbs can be moving behind objects far from the camera lens if there is light
illumination. Orbs are not out of focus particles on or close to the camera
Cast on Orb - YouTube
This orb moves behind tree leaves far from the camera lens
and has the shadow of the leaves cast upon it as it moves behind the leaves.
This orb moves up
from behind the roof edge without interference from illumination. Although many
examples I provide have some light illumination that confuses if the orb has
moved behind or in front of the object, that in and of itself does not mean the
orb could have ONLY moved in front of the object.
This orb clearly
moves behind tree limbs high above the ground, without bright illumination from
the camera causing doubt. The shape of this orb is amazingly clear and without
This orb moves
down behind the roof, otherwise it would have been captured moving across the
roof, as the camera illumination dissolves within a few frames, leaving the roof
in plain sight.
This orb moves
along the edge of the roof and disappears down and behind on the other side
from the camera.
This orb moves partially
behind the trees top as it passes by.
This orb moves
behind the umbrella top. Even if the illumination causes doubt, the orb is not
close to or on the camera lens.
This orb slowly moves
behind the tree with no illumination causing confusion.
This orb moves
down behind the roof otherwise it would have been captured moving across the
roof, as the camera illumination dissolves within a few frames, leaving the roof
in plain sight.
This orb clear
moves behind the slim branch.
This video has a
very good capture of an orbs moving behind the roof with no illumination to
cause confusion.
This orb moves
behind the tree and no illumination cause confusion.
This collage
clearly shows an orb moving behind a tree limb.
This is a collection of various clips f orbs
moving behind objects far from the camera lens.
2. 2. If an orb can be
captured on film clearly reacting to being filmed then the orb
cannot be an out of focus particle close to or on the camera lens. This is very
easy to prove by using a flash and a video at the same time filming occurs. Out
of focus particles do not react to a flash.
This clearly
shows an orb reacting to being filmed. It actually tries to escape from being
filmed, moving to the right, hovering, then escaping to the left.
The orb
definitely reacts!
I will admit this
video is not as strong as I wish, it was done early on and needs to be done
again with better equipment, which I am planning to do, but it does indeed show
orbs responding on video to a flash from my digital camera.
This orb’s
movement is not unusual, I capture such movements all the time. The orb seems
to realize where the camera lens is looking.
These orbs seem
to dance in front of the camera lens.
Not sure why the
orb stops as it does, but it sure seems to be responding to something.
3. 3. If an orb can be
filmed moving towards or away from the camera lens from or to a great
distance, especially without changing its shape as it moves through
the plane of focus, then the orb cannot be an out of focus particle close
to or on the camera lens.
- This
orb’s shape never changes near or far or shows its true form as if it were out
of focus as it is tracked for quite a while.
One orb moves
towards and the other moves away from the camera lens and neither changes it shape
or shows its true form as if it were out of focus.
This orb moves towards and away from the camera lens and never changes
it shape or reveals its true from, as if it was out of focus.
These are two
orbs are moving towards the camera lens from some distance away and neither
changes its shape or reveals its true form as if it were out of focus.
This clip show an
orb slowly moving away from the camera lens.
4. 4. If an orb can be
filmed moving horizontally in the pouring rain as it falls
vertically, it cannot be an out of focus particle close to or on the camera
This clearly
shows a single orb moving in the pouring rain.
This is an orb in
the rain, clearly far from the camera lens as it moves away.
Several different
orbs are shown moving about in the rain.
A single orb in
the rain.
perspective of orbs in the rain.
5. 5. If an orb can be filmed
with another flying creature in focus, it cannot be an out of focus
particle close to or on the camera lens.
This comprehensive
video shows why orbs are not other creatures out of focus involving four steps
The other
creatures are not out of focus, why is the orb? This video show orbs with other
creature in photographs and on video.
This quick video
shows an orb and two other creatures being filmed with the same exact camera,
why is the orb out of focus and the others not?
This shows an orb
in movement and other creatures of the night in photos filmed by the same piece
of equipment. Why is the orb out of focus?
This shows the
same equipment filming a mosquito and an orb. Why is the orb out of focus?
6. 6. If an orb can be
captured on film moving in a pattern of flight that is not possible for
other nocturnal flying creatures living in the same region, it cannot
be an out of focus particle close to or on the camera lens.
This orb is
This orb clearly
hovers and then moves into the night.
These three orbs
clearly hover.
These orbs accelerate
unlike any other creature at night.
This orb clearly
has unique movements not known to other nocturnal creatures.
7. 7. If an orb could
be captured on film with my hand between the camera lens and the orb,
it cannot be an out of focus particle close to or on the camera lens.
In this video I
hold out my hand I three different clips and orbs are one the opposite side of
my hand from the camera lens.
This is a clip of
my open palm with an orb almost in my palm, certainly not close to or on the
camera lens.
In this video I
point at orbs. These are most certainly
no where near the camera lens.
perspective on my hand and orbs.
8. 8. If a single orb
moving through the evening sky all on its own can be captured at all,
means it cannot be close to or on the camera lens.
pictures of orbs in color and a video clip of an orb in infrared night vision.
Dust particles
travel in groups not alone. These orbs are alone.
Because dust
particles are minute/microscopic it would take special equipment to record it
moving through the evening sky far from the camera lens.
This is a single
orb passing in the night sky. It impossible it could be a minute particle captured
with this equipment.
9. 9. If an orb can be captured
on film with another creature passing between it and the camera lens,
it cannot be close to or on the camera lens.
This extensive
video shows other creatures moving between orbs and the camera lens.
A bug moves
between the orb and the camera lens. This happens all the time.
1010. If an orbs flight signature and flight
pattern can be captured on film and is unique from other night flying
creatures, it cannot be close to or on the camera lens.
This is a quick
clip showing the orbs flight signature.
This quick video
shows both the unique flight signature and movement of the orb.
This quick video
shows the true flight signature of the orb.
These single
pictures of orbs have markings unique from any other nocturnal creature that
could be captured out of focus.
This quick clip
shows both the flight pattern and the flight signature of the orb.
This shows the
orb flight signature and flight pattern.
This shows a
movement and signature unique to orbs.
This also shows
very quick flight pattern and flight signature.
This shows an orb
popping up unlike any other nocturnal creature.
Quick unique
flight pattern.
Orb and bug
compared in flight.
This orb shows unique stop and go
The above video clips are only the beginning of a
growing collection of supporting evidence addressing objections raised against my
belief that orbs are their own unique living creatures.
When someone is first introduced to or becomes aware of
orbs, they are perplexed and even unsettled. This is understandable because of
their unique characteristics. In trying to make sense of the existence of orbs,
people bring meaning to orbs out of their worldview onto something so unusual
and strange. That is why some believe orbs must be paranormal and/or be from
another dimension or are angels, demons, aliens, sources of energy, or
spiritual guides as examples and others believe they are only camera anomalies.
That is why I believe they are their own
unique creature.
Even seasoned researcher who have formed their opinion about
orbs after much exploration are not immune from their perspective being formed
and influenced by and from within their worldview. It is very important to
understand and recognize our own worldview and the influence it has in forming
our opinion.
Some, in error, believe science is all about facts. Yet, science
is about facts and the interpretation of facts that then lead to conclusions. Is
Pluto a planet or not? Scientists disagree about the interpretation of the
information available and therefore come to different conclusion and Pluto’s identity.
We are told the discovery process is supposed to be: Introduction
- research - conclusion - belief
In reality it is: Introduction - research – worldview/interpretation
- conclusion - belief
I bring my worldview as well, as I attempt to make sense of the existence of
orbs. I believe they are completely of this world and are only a type of insect
or earthly creature, yet of a different sort. I think it is important for
every visitor to my pages to understand my position. My position may stand
alone among the other perspectives that are found on the many websites, in books
and videos dedicated to, or addressing the puzzling phenomenon of orbs.
The questions everyone needs to answer, not just in relation to
orbs, but every area of existence, are as follows:
What do you believe?
Why do you believe what you do?
What is your belief based upon?
How do you know that is a solid and true foundation for your
Is truth important in your worldview?
I also address the following topis:
Orbs moving through objects.
Orbs and the Bible.
Orbs at cemeteries and other such locations.
Orbs responding.
Orbs and computer graphics.
Orbs and camera anomalies.
Orbs and mistaken identities.
Orbs and the supernatural and paranormal.
Orbs and out of focus particles.
10. Orbs and out of focus
11. And so much more….
I am a Christian. I view and attempt to understand the
existence, meaning and purpose of orbs through the lens of the bible. I do my
best to follow sound principles of research and documentation as I orbserve
their activity and become more familiar with orbs over time. For most specifics
about my perspective on what the Bible teaches about orbs, my research method,
what I have learned and much more, please visit the following blog.
News" - (Introduction to the Christian faith)
& Answers ( (Understanding the Christian faith)
( (More about my understanding of orbs)
“The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the
works of his hands.” This we are told in Psalm 19. This hymn captures, in
beautiful lyrics, an aspect of Psalm 19. This also captures my perspective
about our world and the orbs withing it:
This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears all nature
sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father's world:
I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; his hand the
wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world, the birds their carols raise, the
morning light, the lily white, declare their maker's praise. This is my
Father's world: he shines in all that's fair; in the rustling grass I hear him
pass; he speaks to me everywhere.
This is my Father's world. O let me ne'er forget that though the
wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. This is my Father's world: why
should my heart be sad? The Lord is King; let the heavens ring! God reigns; let
the earth be glad!
Words by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901 (1858-1901)
Music by Franklin L. Sheppard, 1915 (1852-1930)
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