Monday, July 8, 2019

Orbs Are Their Own Living Creature

Orbs Are Their Own Living Creature

The question is not, “Do orbs exist?”, they most certainly do, and no reasonable observant person could disagree. The real question is, “How are we to interpret the existence of orbs?”  There are basically three camps or groups that attempt to answer this question. Each group interprets the existence of orbs differently. This difference in interpretation is based partly on the worldview, the degree of research and the simple bias held by each group.

The true substance, nature and meaning of orbs alludes us, at the moment, but I believe they can and will eventually be understood more completely.  In the meantime, the most pressing concerning, is to settle the debate and disagreement about the very existence of orbs. This article is an attempt to help that happen.

As is clear from the title of this article, “Orbs are their own living creature”, I believe orbs are living creatures. This puts my view in the minority, if not totally alone. I will provide the reasoning later, but for now, lets examine the various views for interpreting the existence of orbs.

It must be noted at this point, that the orbs I am referring to and on which I have done extensive research are located, in the out of doors.  One will also find reports and perhaps evidence of orbs inside or indoors and there may or may not be a difference, between indoor and outdoor orbs, but that is not my focus in this paper, my focus is only on orbs out of doors and at night.

Now let’s consider the various groups of interpretation. The first group I’ll label the “Anomaly Group”.  Those in this group do not believe orbs are animate living, creatures in their own right. Rather, they believe orbs are dust particles, plant spores, water droplets or mist, spots on or close to the camera lens, or various camera anomalies or misinterpretations such as satellites, stars, the moon or aircraft.  They are inanimate objects, and mostly out of focus, normally identified as bokeh. Bokeh is basically out of focus points of light.

The second group I’ll label the “Paranormal and or Supernatural Group”.  Those in this group, which has a variety of subsets, believe orbs are animate, they are living beings, but not of this earth or this dimension. They believe orbs are spirits, souls, demons, angels, aliens, time travelers, or something from another dimension.

The third group I will label “Natural and Normal Group”. Those in this group, this includes me and perhaps only me, believe (my definition), “Orbs are created, (mostly) spherical creatures, of various colors and sizes, with unique characteristics and abilities, that move through the sky under their own power, with purpose and intention, interacting with the world around them. They are natural and normal, rather than supernatural or paranormal. They are material and biological in substance.  They are their own creature and not another out of focus. They can be captured.”

The reason, as noted above,  there are the different camps or groups, rather than one group, with total agreement about the substance, nature and meaning of orbs, is because those in each group look at the existence of orbs through the lens of their particular worldview, rather than only cold hard facts, based upon objective research. I am no exception. Yet, the goal should be, to be as objective as possible, based upon as many facts as possible, uncovered through the best quality research as possible.  One’s worldview should adjust to whatever truth has been uncovered about orbs.

Some do not believe in the spiritual world, but only in the physical, therefore any paranormal or supernatural interpretation is dismissed.  Others believe the spiritual world exists and it intermingles with the physical, therefore the supernatural and paranormal interpretations are a real possibility. To some the only thing that matters is how one feels about orbs, and these feelings are just as valid as cold hard facts. Yet, to others, the only thing that matters is what the cold hard facts reveal. A person’s world view is very important in how they interpret the existence of orbs.

In order to be honest, fair and transparent, it is important to clarify my worldview.  I believe in both the spiritual and physical world.  I believe there has been an intermingling of the two worlds. Specifically, I have a Christian worldview, based upon the teaching of the bible. Yet, I believe orbs are only from the physical, natural and normal world.  I do not believe they are paranormal or supernatural.  This was clearly stated in my above definition.

The problem, and this is not unique to understanding orbs, is truthful facts can be honestly interpreted (also misinterpreted) differently. For example, it seems orbs can appear and disappear out of thin air. I have recorded this, many times, on infrared video. Does this fact mean, they are paranormal or supernatural? Could it not mean they have an ability, though very perplexing and unfamiliar, to show or not show themselves, which is completely natural and normal? Perhaps, is has to do with light reflection and refraction and it is not about the orb at all, but simply about the camera.

Another example seems to be that orbs sometimes respond.  Does this mean they must be paranormal or supernatural?  Perhaps it simply means they have a natural intelligence that is yet to be understood.  Animals respond, yet, that does not make them paranormal or supernatural.  I have bumble bees in my backyard and they respond to me. They have come close to landing on my finger, as I coax them to do so.   They are certainly natural and normal.

I doubt there will ever be one accepted interpretation of the substance, nature and meaning of orbs, regardless of the facts uncovered by research. Although, this may be the case, I do not believe, examining all the theories and facts about orbs is a useless venture. The more that can be observed, documented, understood and explained about orbs, the greater the possibility they will be moved from the shadows of confusion, doubt and ridicule, into the light of acceptance and acknowledged as a creature in their own right.

As mentioned, my research is on observing and filming orbs out of doors, in all weather conditions and geographical locations, mainly using infrared night vision video, which in and of itself provides enormous benefit to understanding the abilities and characteristics of orbs.

It should be noted at this point, that most of the past research on orbs, has been done predominately, by examining photographs, with some exceptions, but none has involved as much research, in the field, using infrared night vision, as I have done. I have uploaded hundreds of videos showing various characteristics and abilities, of orbs, under a variety of conditions, on both my Facebook and YouTube channels.

I have attempted to address all the major objections against orbs being their own unique living creature, by capturing orbs doing the very things that the objections hold cannot be done. Examine each of the videos provided below provided below:

First, to provide a sampling of what I capture on infrared night vision, I have provided my top ten orbs:

Objection #1: Orbs cannot move behind objects far away because they are simply out of focus particles on or near the camera lens, also known as the Orb Zone Theory.
-        My video dismissing object #1– Orbs moving behind and in front of objects
-        Moving behind objects
-        Moving in front of objects
Objection #2: Orbs are only dust particles or water droplets/mist.
-        My video dismissing objection #2 - Orbs moving in rain
Objection #3: Orbs are out of focus insects
-        My video dismissing objection #3 – Orbs interacting with other creatures of the night
-        My videos showing orbs moving close and far away and never changing shape
-        Moving away/departing
-        Moving towards/approaching
Objection #4: Orbs do not respond
-        My videos dismissing objection #4 – Orbs responding to being filmed
Objection #5: Orbs are not material or physical creatures
-        My videos showing orbs and their shadows
-        Objection #6: Orbs are just tiny inanimate particles
-        My video showing orbs are of great size
-        Objection #7: Orbs are simply individual dust particles or microbe plant spores
-    My videos dismissing objection #7 – Showing individual orbs.  In order to capture microbes or individual dust particles on film from distances, very specific equipment would be need with great magnification. I do not use such equipment.
A variety  of other interesting videos I have made about orbs:
Orbs defined and Defended
My Hand and Orbs
Orbs of Color
The Edge of Orbs

The challenge is to understand the natural habitat of orbs and how they survive and meet their basic needs for air, water, food, shelter, reproduction and space. The ultimate challenge is to capture an orb, which I believe is a certain possibility.

Michael Richard Craig (2019)

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